Foster Application "*" indicates required fields Foster ApplicationName* First Last Email* Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Age*What is your occupation?*Please list other people in your household or regular visitors: names, age and relationship.*Is everyone in the household agreeable to fostering?* Yes No Does anyone in our household have allergies or Asthma?* Yes No Have you fostered before?* Yes No If yes, which rescue group?Who is the primary caretaker of the dog?*Which size are you willing to foster?*What time frame are you willing to foster?* Up to a month 1-3 months 3-6 months A year or more How many hours a day would the dog be alone?* 0-2 hours 2-4 hours 4-6 hours over 6 hours Are you willing to: Crate-train Foster a dog on meds? Do home visits? Foster a dog needing house-training? Foster a dog with behavioral issues? Foster a dog having a skin condition? Foster a momma with nursing puppies? Foster a dog not reliable with children? Foster a dog that is handicapped or blind? Are you willing to contact potential adopters? Are you willing to transport dogs to and from the vet? Your HomeDo you have a pool?* Yes No Do you live on a canal?* Yes No Do you have a fence?* Yes No If yes, what type? Wood or chain link? What height?Does your home have a doggie door?* Yes No If you do not have a yard, how do you plan to exercise the dog?Type of Residence* House-own House-rent Apartment/Condo Mobile Home Other If you rent, please give your landlord's name and phone number:Current/Previous PetsCurrent pets name, breed, age:Previous pets name, breed, age:What happened to your previous pets?Do you keep your pets indoors our outdoors?* Indoors Outdoors Do you keep your pets on heartworm preventative?* Yes No Are your pets up-to-date on their vaccines?* Yes No Please provide your veterinarian's name.*Please provide your veterinarian's phone number.*Is the pet listed under your name? If not who's name?*By signing below you accept responsibility*CAPTCHA